The Disease

'You are a procrastinator.. go ask your PDL trainer what procrastinating means' . That was exactly what Datuk Ayob, my bos when I was working with TETO Engineering said to me back in 1998. I was fresh from college that time. The company sent everybody for a week live in training cum motivational course called PDL (Professional Development and Leadership). There we learnt a lot about how to become successful in life. We were expected to be overhauled after the course, and back at work with new attitude. A month after the course, I was back to my old habit or attitude to be exact. Now 10 years has passed. I supposed I am more mature and wise, but one thing I cannot change, PROCRASTINATE. I wonder if there is any cure to this disease. I believe it has been infested humankind since we came out of Africa.

I want to make it my 2008 resolution. To eradicate that habit. I came to realised this last friday when I asked one of my friends for a round of pool, at the Petroleum Lounge. She said 'No i cant, havent finished todays work'. It hits me. I do not even touch the work i supposed to finish last month. Now my work is piling up and I am still not hitting the panic button.

I want to change that.. so here I am at work at 4.30 in the morning.. (Why am I writing this blog instead of start working immediately.. I wonder)


Rush Murad said…
I think GOD forgot to install the 'panic button' in me as well.... prosss casss tee naaattte? urgghhh... whateva it may sound!
whitelighter said…
haha sama lah kita.. tapi tak pe ko work smart
~wan hidayat~ said…
Why GOD is forgot?????, Impossible!!! GOD>>>tiada cacat celanya (harap semua setuju dan harap tiada sapa yang tersinggung)....silapnya diri kita sendiri begitu juga dengan tubuh kecil ini....

"Procrastination Is The Mother of Failure".

Bro...until now, the words u've said to me keep crossing to my mind, i like to let it saturated in mind, at least i know where i am...
whitelighter said…

Sure, its all up to us to decide where we want to be in life
Ninut said…
Who is the girl who said she cannot come with you to play pool? was it me? hmm. maybe not. as far as i'm concern, I am the queen of procrastination
whitelighter said…
Sure it wasn't you.. you were gone for months to Cloud 9 remember?
shah said…
mmmmm.... nyum nyum nyum...
mildred said…

why no update la?

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