Dukhan Beach and Zikreet

Qatar can be a boring place to live for some. We usually spend our past times at shopping complexes or cinemas if there's no invitations for Jamuan (feasts , gatherings). But today Hani came up with an idea for a picnic at a beach. So we headed 84km west to Dukhan. She prepared a picnic basket of Nasi Lemak, mineral water and fruits but did not pack any swimming gear. We did not intend to swim anyway. We set off for Dukhan at 3 pm and took a detour to Zekreet. There was a deserted rustic Arabian village and some beautiful rock formations along the way. We continued our journey to Dukhan beach after taking some pictures.

It was a windy day. We set our picnic basket at a shelter by the beach and had our late lunch. It was hard to enjoy the meal in the gutsy wind. We had our plates and meals blown by the wind a number of times. We thought of heading home after taking some pictures at the beach, but could not resist the temptation to have a dip in the azure water of the Arabian Gulf. We ended up swimming in the sea and did not bother to rinse before heading back to Doha. Well this impromptu trip turned out to be a nice little beach getaway for both of us.  

Pictures at Zikreet

Pictures at Dukhan Beach


Ami Rah said…
cantiknya! gmbr smua cunnes and walla
whitelighter said…
Amirah: Thanks.. isteri abg ni bab bergambar nombor 1
mohd_hanapi said…
Padan, mmg sangat padan. Lain kali bawak ler pakaian mandi yg proper. Hehe
Anonymous said…
Hi - I am definitely delighted to find this. Good job!

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