Dad to be

Hani was constantly nauseated and tired since we got back from our Eid holidays. I suspected that she’s pregnant but she was scared or maybe too nervous to try the home pregnancy test kit. We had a couple of false alarms before. It would frustrate her if it turns out negative. Suddenly I received an SMS from her saying ‘mom to be’. I called her and she did the test at work. I was overjoyed. I broke the news to some of my work colleagues and decided to come home early.

I took Hani to Al-Ahli hospital for test and consultation, but the only available slot was in 10 days. We can’t wait that long. So we went to Gulf Laboratory and she had a blood test. We had dinner while waiting for the result. We went to Thai Snack as Hani suddenly had a crave for tom yum. But she threw it all up when we finish eating.
We went back to the laboratory and the result came positive. We were elated. I shook hand with the doc. Hani was 6 weeks pregnant. So all this time during Eid she was already pregnant, but we did not know it. Its weird that only a couple of weeks ago, my aunt, Mak Lang told us that she thinks Hani is pregnant but we said no she was not. We even jealous at Nazim and Sarah who married at the same time as us and already 5 weeks pregnant when we met them last week.We are both excited and at the same time nervous for parenthood. Thank you ALLAH. My only wish is for safety of the mother and the baby to be born healthy and set no preference for its sex.


keri said…
woww bestnye nk dapat baby.
congrats! suke laa lagu kt blog ni
whitelighter said…
Keri: Tu ah macam tak sangka lak abg dah nak jadik bapak.. doakan kesihatan / keselamatan mamanya dan baby ye
mohd_hanapi said…
tahniah.... n be a good father...
puteri said…
stop travelling!!
@xiM said…
whitelighter said…
Napi: Thank you.. InsyaALLAH
Puteri: Travelling wont stop..
whitelighter said…
Axim: Thanks.. bila nak datang Doha pulak?
sherry said…
Salam Singgah.
whitelighter said…
Sherry: huhu bila nak datang Doha lagi?
WanHidayat said…

TAHNIAH...itu jea Wan mampu ucapkan...

Semoga baby selamat dilahirkan dan sempurna tubuh badan....

Semoga menjadi ayah yang baik dan penyayang!
whitelighter said…
Wan: Terima kasih kerana mendoakan dan InsyaALLAH abg akan sentiasa mencuba untk menjadi ayah yg baik dan penyayang.

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