Endurance race
"This too will passed" that was a line from the movie, 'My Best Friend's Wedding'. No matter how terrible or how big your problem is, it will eventually passed. Im currently struggling to complete a dissertation for my Masters Degree, and I have only a month to complete it. At a current rate of progress, the future looks bleak. But I have to be positive, keep my self belief and at the same time be optimistic. I dont aim for an A, a pass is more than enough. The side effect that Im having now is that I can't concentrate on my work. My mind's so consumed with my dissertation, and I became complacent at work. Its actually embarassing when you make stupid mistakes all the time and your boss has to make all the corrections. I can understad if he pissed at me, because I am pissed at myself. Its time to change. Please brain, be alert and kill those carelessness.