Zach's 1st day out

By: Zachary Andika

9 July 2010

Today was Mama's independence day after spending 44 days hibernating at home during her confinement period when she had me. She can finally goes out and do anything she likes. Papa was so sweet, he took Mama, Mak Tua and I for a day out at Villagio Mall. I heard this place is Mama's favourite place. The place was nice, the sky was so beautiful I thought it's fake or maybe it is. The weather was cool and not furnace hot like the temperature outside. There were so many people. I have never seen so many people in my life before.

Mama checking if I was asleep

Soon after I felt hungry but Mama was no where to be found. She went inside a shop selling leather goods. Lucky Papa was with me. Papa fed me by a fountain. I loved the sound of the water. It reminds me of life back in Mama's womb. Oh those were the days when I can only hear Mama and Papa, but now I am glad that I can see and feel their touch. Life in the outside world is a lot better than in Mama's womb because I can stretch my body as far as I want. Ok enough about that, back to my first day out.

Dining by the fountain

I love the ride in my Pulse buggy. I slept most of the time only waking up intermittently. We bump into Aunt Inna and Uncle Anthony at a place selling glittering and shiny things like the one hanging on mama's neck. Maybe grown ups wear this things to ward off evil spirit, I don't know. Oh yes I still remember Aunt Inna and Uncle Anthony when they came to visit me when I was 2 weeks old. They are so sweet together.

With Aunt Inna and Uncle Anthony

We then went to my favourite shop, Mama's and Papa's. Mama and Papa was making an enquiry about my new ride, Sola. It was so sleek and I felt in love with it in an instant. It is very convenient. Mama and Papa do not have to transfer me into a stroller from a comfort of my Primo Viaggio car seat.

We were later joined by Aunty Zaireen and Aunt HM Queen Zila for shopping spree. Mama bought me a lot of new clothes. I need a lot of new clothes as I have outgrown most of my current collection. But Mama, Papa and Mak Tua also bought some clothes for themselves.

With Aunt Zaireen and Aunt HM Queen Zila

We concluded our day out at TGI Fridays restaurant, but I was really disappointed. I was only fed with cold formula and plain water while Mama, Papa and Mak Tua enjoying mouth watering meal that I could only smell.


While the grown ups enjoyed all kind of sumptuous meal

I was only fed with the same old same old formula and plain water

I cannot wait for another day out with my family. Papa said I can go anywhere as long as I behave and be a good boy like I always be.


~Am said…
this new writing style is so chomey!
whitelighter said…
Thanks Uncle AM, I saw your pic at papa's n mama's wedding day. I was not born yet then (Zach)
mohd_hanapi said…
kenapa tak bagi susu badan...? boleh beli pam.... n pam susu tu.. sbb paling elok bagi susu badan till baby 6 months old...
whitelighter said…
MH: Zach memang minum susu badan pun, tapi kitorg mix, sebab dia kuat sangat minum.. pam pun ada dua. ada letrik ngn yg pam tangan lagik

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