Its not the end of the world

Im tired, really tired. I am now sitting at the crowded Abu Dhabi International, Terminal 1, with another 2 hrs to kill. I barely had 8 hours of sleep in the last 3 days.

I was in KL for 1 1/2 days to present my Masters dissertation. I was hoping that It will be the end of the long overdue project. But boy I was wrong. My thesis was rejected for not achieving the standard and the quality of a masters research. I was not despair, it was not the end of the world. I will give it another shot next semester. Success does not come easy. 

My only reservation was, they could have told me I failed and that I have to re register the same in the next semester, So I would not waste my time, energy and money flew all the way to KL just to hear the news in person. 

Things happen for reasons. What ever it is I am grateful and will learn from it. But now i need bottles of red bull, as I have to stay awake for another 14 hours, another busy day at work.


radius-qatar said…
Be Strong boy..!!!
puteri said…
we'll get there...eventually...
we WILL!!
zal said…
try again...
Anton said…
Kan banyak help group dan cheerleading groupies kat sini...pilih satu buat penawar hati :p
WanHidayat said…
Salam..takpe bang...Allah nak uji tuh...

Mcm abg cakap, nak BERJAYA bukan MUDAH...

Aja2 Fighting!!!!

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