Happy Father's Day to Me

I will get to celebrate Father's Day for the first time this year. So last night when I changed Zach's nappy, I asked him, "Zach don't you want to wish your old man a happy Father's Day?". He was whimpering and I thought maybe he understood me. I was imagining at that time he was trying to say how lucky he was to have a father like me before suddenly he opens fire. He peed straight to me, lucky it did't get into my mouth.

That was not the only gift I got. He did not passed motion for the last four days and I was worried. He usually did number two twice a day. He finally did last night. So this morning, I was nealy fainted when I clean him before bath. Like opening a present, you are eager to find what's in the package. His nappy was so full, that every tiny inch of the newborn nappy was filled with the 4 days of excrement accumulated and fermented nicely. The smell was so unbearable I had to run and rub tiger balm to my nose before continue my fatherly job. It took me half a packet of baby wipes to clean all the soil. When that's done, I bathed and clothed him before handed him over to his mama for morning feed. I kissed him one last time before leaving for work and said to my self "Thanks son, that was a great Father's day gift"

Zach & Mama, thanks for the lovely card

Father's Day is celebrated every 3rd Sunday of June in most countries and Mother's day on 2nd Sunday of May.


mohd_hanapi said…
so sweet.... ap dah biasa dah... sekarang selalu bergaduh ngan my hasya nak pakaikan pampers... heheheh
WanHidayat said…

Setahun menjadi suami yang sempurna dan diberi peluang menjadi seorang bapa....

Abg Sharm, semoga menjadi bapa yang baik dan penyayang...

Zachary Andika...semoga menjadi anak soleh dan berbakti kepada agama, bangsa dan negara....

Kak Hani: Congratulations!!!, berjaya dalam jihad anda :)
victoire said…
Cutest gif ever.. haha
Comel laa Zach ni.

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