10KM @ Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon 2012

Race pack collection
I have set my goal to run a full marathon this year. Completing the 42KM marathon is near impossible but definitely doable with trainings and determination. So as a first step, I took part in the 10KM road race during the last Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon 2012.

I was excited knowing that I came to Dubai with a little bit of training and confident that I can better my Personal Best time of 1 hr 09 Min. I spent the day before the race at Downtown Dubai, collecting race kit at Palace Hotel and some shopping at Dubai Mall. I planned to retire the night early so I can wake up fresh and energetic tomorrow. I guess someone learned something from the last PBIM 2011.I placed a wake up call request at 5 am and ready to bed. Oh yes I need to sort my gear first, so I will be ready to go tomorrow. As I was going through the race kit and arranging my running gear, something unthinkable happened. I realised that I left my running shoe in Doha. It was 12.15 am. I was panicked. All shopping centres close at 12 midnight during Dubai Sale Festival. So nothing opens at this time except restaurants, pharmacies and some shops selling knockoff clothings. Luckily I found one shop selling imitation items and bought myself a pair of fake Adidas. They are not cheap by the way. I paid AED 98 for them, what a rip off.

The Race day

Baggage keeping
It was a cold morning. The temperature was around 10deg celcius. I found myself among 11 thousands something of participants in the 10KM event. It was a great atmosphere, so cosmopolitan, so international (I feel like im an international athlete already). I was careful for not taking too much fluid before the race, but I have this problem which nags me all this while. I tend to urinate more frequently when its cold. Mind you I was in this skimpy running attire. I cannot find any toilets near the starting line and had to endure the agony of holding my dam. The race started, I still cannot find any public toilets. I was not alone though. I saw many runners went answering their nature calls when they find secluded places along the route. But not me. I was too classy for that uncivilised act. It was kilometer 4 and still no signs of toilets. My dam starts to leak with each stride I made. I gave up. I found a bush by the road side and went off. At that time I thought it was the greatest feeling of all. I felt light and ready to sprint and break my PB.

Halfway along the course, another disaster happen. My brand new fake Adidas shoe was literally eating my feet and I was too painful to run so I ended up walking most of the second half of the race. I finished the race in 1hr 13min and was placed at 4244 out of 5330 runners who completed the race (in Men's Category) and 6000++ from 11000++ overall. It really was not my day and my boss keep picking up on me for finishing Six thousand something but in the end I did enjoyed the race and glad I joined.   

I dont know why I look so fat in this picture.
Queen bee
The running chefs

I will be back 


notahankypankyminah said…
Salam..eager to wait for story posted..for those who love outdoor..do not buy fake shoes..it hurt u so much
Assalam Abg,

Dalam gambar tuh mmg you look plump!. Moga2 semakin fit dan back to old days...hehehe
notahankypankyminah said…
the posting a bit slow lately ya...love yo read other voyage...hope in a barakah always..amin
whitelighter said…

Thanks for the nice comments, and glad to hear that someone actualy do read my blog.

I have been busy lately.. haha.. 2012 has been quite a busy year for me so far.. but I will try to write more often..
Anonymous said…

I did my first full marathon at the same event. It was a great experience. Hope you will achieve your's too this year.


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