Aspire Aquathon 2015/2016 Race 3

Aspire Zone, Doha Qatar
16 April 2016

I took part in the Aspire Aquathon (500m swim + 5km run) just six days after my Ironman. It's funny how your body and brain has short term memories of the pain and sufferings it endured just few days ago. I was not supposed to do any hard effort trainings let alone racing within the three weeks after an Ironman, but being stubborn, I regarded this race as part of my active recovery.

I was given a hero welcome by my fellow Doha triathletes. Everyone seems to know my name. Syafei the Ironman. People I have not spoken to, came and shook my hand. I felt like a celebrity. It was a good feeling. Few of them were even inspired to do an Ironman race themselves. To me that was the real meaning of my Ironman journey. To inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter how impossible it may seem in the beginning.

Was given a hero welcome by fellow FIT-Q triathletes
Though I was not feeling tired, I found the swim was really tough. I felt lethargic and could not increase my stroke rate. I did not dare to attempt tumble turn. It was so bad I even had to steal couple of cheeky breaths at every lap. My legs felt heavy. I lost my balancing and my feet were sinking. It was my first non-wet suit/ non-buoyancy pants swim in a long time. I need to re-learn how to swim later. I finished the 500m swim in 11:51. Just awful.
Waiting for my turn in the rolling swim start
My plan for the run was to take it easy and jog the 5km, but to my surprise I felt good and the competitive spirit inside me said just go for it. I managed to hold an average speed of 4:36 min/km. I need to work on my running speed again and do more shorter events after this. My speed suffered a lot from the Ironman trainings.  
I was surprised that I could still run at a decent speed
Cinta was so excited, future triathlete maybe
I know this race will affect my recovery process, but meeting my fellow triathletes in the last Aspire Aquathon race of the season is something that I cant say no to.


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