Carbo Pro; a revolution in sports nutrition

I have been struggling to find a good energy drink for race day and training after my bad experience in South Africa last April. I really hate the gels in long races and I the thought of having another gel after 7/8 hours of racing is enough to make me puke. I have tried few brands. Some are better than others but I really couldn't stand the taste and the sweetness that are all too common in most products. Then I started taking Carbo Pro products the last couple of months after I heard about it from Malaysia's top triathlete, Rupert Chen and Malaysia's ultra running icon Razif. I simply love it. It's tasteless. Well not as tasteless as pure H2O. I has just a tinge of sweetness and the mixture is light and easy on the stomach. I have also started using other products like Metasalt, Recovery Amino and VO2 Max Endurance. I really hope I found the last piece of the missing puzzle in triathlon racing; the nutrition.
My first tub was signed by Rupert Chen himself; hope I can be as strong as him

CarboPro; fuel like a pro

More info can be found HERE



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