
Monday 25 August 2008

I had an interview at Worley Parsons at their Miri Branch today. I applied for a position in KL. I had a phone interview with the KL's project manager and Bernie their recruiter few weeks ago. It went well. Mr Brian Davey, the contract manager at Miri Branch was saying "I obviously have only positive things to say about you. If They dont want to take you, I will take you"

Tuesday 26 August 2008

I received an email from Gemma, my agent in Aberdeen that Ras Gas want to have a second phone interview with me tomorrow. I replied and confirm. I realised that their tommorrow is TODAY in Malaysia (time difference). At 7 pm while I was having dinner at KRP with Wafi, the phone rang. It from Ras Gas. The person on the other side was Norasyikin, Contract Manager or Engineer from Ras Gas. She said that they got late confirmation by my agent in Aberdeen. We had a little chat and they will call again tomorrow 7.30am Qatar time (12.30 pm in Malaysia).

Wednesday 27 August 2008

I was at home ready with resume, notes and scripts waited for the call from Ras Gas. I waited until 1.30pm. I contacted Gemma. She called me and informed thet the interview has been rescheduled to this evening at 6pm. At 6pm the phone rang, it was Norasyikin and Ibrahim from Ras Gas. The interview went well, and they will proceed with my agent.

On the other hand, Flora from Worley Parsons called, and said my interview was a success and that are preparing a contract for my acceptance now.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Received an email from Gemma "Ras Gas have contacted me and indicated that your interview was a success. They have asked me to provide a break down of the required day rate you would be looking for. Can you please indicate what tax free day rate you would be looking for? Please note that for everyday you work you will be paid for and any days not worked you are not paid for. You will also be given allowances to cover flights, local transportation and housing"

If everything went well, I will be seeing myself in Doha this October. InshaALLAH


zal said…
mcm mana nak holiday? nanti kena potong gaji... :-)

anyway... welcome to doha!!!!
mohd_hanapi said…
dapat keje baru beb..... alhamdulillah...rezeki tu...
whitelighter said…

Tak kira cuti tetap cuti... potong gaji potong ah


Alhamdullilah, tapi lom comfirm gak, offer letter lom dapat
Sinagamerah said…
Gee, kalau ko jadi ke Doha it will be in October??? gituuuuuuuulerrrrrr.... time kau nak wat majlis kannnnnnn..neeway, selamat berpuasa! and gud luck!
whitelighter said…

InsyaALLAH in Oktober, majlis aku 30 nagn 31 May la bang oii..

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