Down Under '09 : Chapter 2

Walking Down Memory Lanes in Brisbane

Brisbane City From Goodwill Bridge
I always wanted to go back to Brisbane since I left the city on 6 Dec 2001. I called this city home for 3 years when I did my 1st degree course at QUT. I have learned a lot about life here and have had many sweet and some bitter memories. I also met some very good friends while I was here.

Coming back here after all these years was like coming home after years out of the country or ‘Balik Kampung’. I suddenly remember a song by Peter Alan ‘I Still Call Australia Home’ but as for me it’s my second home lah.

I have been to cities that never close down
From New York to Rome and old London town

But no matter how far or how wide I roam
I still call Australia home

p/s I never been to New York

Thanks to Air Asia X, now everyone can fly Xtra long, but be prepared for an Xtra small seats that does not recline (It only slide a little, but then your knee will stuck on the seat in front of you) and Xtra costs for IFE and comfort kit. It was the most uncomfortable flight I ever flown. The 8 hours red eye flight was a pure torture. I did not even get a minute of sleep. I do not want to elaborate on this flight experience simply because I only paid RM700 return. So I shall not whinge. The only regret was, I arrived in Brisbane feeling groggy and spent my first day sleeping. So I lost a day of precious time that worth more than a premium airlines flight ticket.

I did not get to fully retrace all the places as I originally intended, but I managed to make brief visits to most of the familiar places that means so much to me.

A walk from Highgate hill to QUT, passing through Southbank Parklands and the Goodwill Bridge : I used to walk from Highgate Hill to QUT almost everyday when I live on Hardgrave St. in 2000. My usual route was from Hardgrave St – Brisbane State High / Musgrave Park – Southbank Parklands – Victoria Bridge – George St – QUT. Goodwill Bridge was only completed in 2001, when I already moved to New Farm.

My Alma Mater

Walk around Brisbane CBD: Brisbane’s compact CBD can easily be navigated on foot. I did not cover much of the CBD in this trip though. I only managed to walk half the length of the Queen St. Mall, Anzac Sq., Post Office Sq., Edward St. and Adelaide St. King George Sq was closed for renovation when I was there. With the many new buildings and fitments post Dec 2001, I sometime lost my bearing and feel like a stranger in this purportedly my backyard.

@ St Stephen

@ St. Stephen

Taking the City Ferry and City Cat: It was my other favourite mode of transportations in Brisbane (other than walking). Brisbane River snaking across Brisbane gives this city a nick name of ‘the River City’. The river is full of life and busy with ferries and boats plying in both directions. Having lived close to the river, I have the choice of either taking ferries straight to QUT or busses. That is why I love Brisbane; it exudes a feeling of living in a resort town.

Aboard City Fery
Spent and afternoon in New Farm: One thing about Brisbane that I miss the most is New Farm. I lived there throughout 2001 at 7/77 Sydney St. The suburb was the most liveable and shall I say the trendiest. New Farm Park (a big local park) was just next to my house where the Brisbane Powerhouse Theatre is. There are many art galleries, cafes and trendy shops in this leafy suburb. Its location by the bend of Brisbane River and just south of Fortitude Valley makes it very desirable especially among the young professionals. I took Asrul and Sam for lunch at Moray Café. It was my favourite café in New Farm. I simply like its quiet ambience apart from its good food. We went to Merthyr Centre, New Farm’s local shopping centre. While Asrul and Sam busy shopping for perfumes at one of the pharmacies, I went to my old apartment at Sydney St. Old memories came rushing into my mind. The place still looks the same except the shrubs and trees around it need some pruning. Asrul and Sam still have not finished with their shopping. Apparently the perfumes here were cheaper than those we bought in Melbourne. The shopping did not stop there; we then went shopping for some groceries at Coles.

@ New Farm Ferry

7/77 Sydney St. New Farm

Coffee at Fat Boys, Fortitude Valley: The Valley was my playground when I was in Brisbane. I used to get my supply of halal meat at Mc Whirters and Asian groceries at Brunswick St. Chinatown. My favourite cinema, Valley Centro was here too. This area is one of the most happening in Brisbane. There are many cafes, pubs and bars lining up the streets. We made a brief stop at The Valley and I took the boys for coffee at my favourite hang out place, the Fat Boys Café.

Fortitude Valley
Other than that, I had the opportunity to ride on the city trains, went up Mt. Cootha at night, drove past Annerley (where I live in 1999 my first year in Oz),West End & Highgate hill (Where I live in 2000), Sunday Market at Eagle St Pier and went for coffee at Little Paris, Milton.

@ Eagle St. Pier
My memories are not only about places but also people it associated with. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sabrina, Razin and Philip who helped me to relive the memories. And to Asrul, for his hospitality.

My dearest friends

Brisbane may have changed a lot, but its charm remains the same.

Next Entry : Australia Day at Sunshine Coast

More Picture of Brisbane Here


Anton said…
Balik kampung kat Australia ek....nak jadi tanggang la nih. (Biasa la ayat2 orang jeles eheheheh)
Rush Murad said…
hopefully plan nak pi Melbourne-Auckland-Christchurch-Brisbane pertengahan tahun ni menjadi... nanti kau mintak tips pasal Brisbane + Gold Coast ekkk..

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