Our home, Contours @ Melawati Heights

We went to see the progress of our future home during our last holiday in Malaysia. We had this special feeling upon entering this gated community that we belong here. We can see ourselves owning one of the houses that are currently under construction. This place truly is our dream home, and dream is FREE. We love everything about the house. The location, the design (albeit some modifications deemed necessary) and the picturesque surroundings. Green and quiet.

This 4 bedrooms + maid's room has separated living and entertainment quarters linked by its very own mini sky bridge like the one at Petronas towers. All bedrooms  are located on one side while kitchen, dining and living area on the other. The house also comes with its very own private lift, so we won't risk breaking our back carrying heavy suitcases up and down the staircase each time we go traveling.

There is a small lap pool in the middle of the house and a sun deck which is great place to unwind after work or during weekends. We can't wait to have friends coming over for barbecues by the pool and playing board games at the living area. This house really represents our characters and we cannot wait to move in here. Even our maid, Mariam was excited and she said she would follow us back to Malaysia if we live there.

Our own private lift
Walk in closet in the master bedroom, Cik Minah was delighted for the never ending space she'll have
Master bedroom's en-suite
Zachary in his room
Our girl(s) will love the big walk in closet in her/their room
Our guest room
Our living and dining
Our dry kitchen. Cik Minah loves the island kitchen

Cik Minah busy preparing lunch in our wet kitchen
Zachary was excited to have an area where he can run around 

Cik Minah and Mariam enjoying afternoon tea at the sun deck

Our very own lap pool in the middle of the house
Bukit Tabur, The world's longest quartz ridge
Our future home

We love to live very close to nature and we are lucky to have beautiful Bukit Tabur, (World's longest quartz ridge) right on our door step. We would go hiking during the weekend escape from all the buzz of the city. See breathtaking pictures of Bukit Tabur HERE.


victoire said…
happy new year abg sham!! saye pon slow2 usha rumah ni.. macam rugi je bayar sewa baik bayar monthly installment tak gitu.. hehe.
Fuyyooooo...rezeki abg ni!. Alahmdulillah...mcm best je rumah ni...

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