Happy 2nd Birthday Zachary Andika

Happy 2nd birthday Zachary. I am blessed to have a son like you. Papa and Mama love you very much with all our hearts. You do not need to be jealous with your adik Cinta (plus you will have another adik this October InsyaALLAH). Sorry we did not throw you a lavish party like your first birthday, but we will make it up to you with a trip to Sydney and Gold Coast, Australia next month. It will be more fun than having a birthday party. I know you love apipim (aeroplane), so we will fly a lot of aeroplanes soon. Alhough only on low cost carriers and the budget Sri Lankan, but you cant tell the difference, can you? We will take you to the Sydney Aquarium, and Sea World in Gold Coast because you love fish, penguins and dolphins. Plus we will take you to Movie World, because you like cartoons don't you. So all you need to do now is be a good boy, stop bullying your sister, eat your meals and drink your milk. We love you more each day, AVELU. xoxo papa 

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