Al-Khor Community 10 km Mini Marathon 2013

I participated in a 10km race organised by Al-Khor Community 2 weeks ago. I was not very keen to participate in this race  because I had a 30km long run a day before the event. I only submited the race form at the very last minute in support of local races and motivation to my wife and 2 other friends (Lolyta and Nani) from my newly formed running club of which i am the captain (Pelari Stylo Yo!) to run their maiden 5km race. So my plan was to treat this race as a recovery run.

Come race day, I just could not hold on to my initial plan. It was a 2 laps race, I was driven by the pace of other runners and ran the first lap fast. My first 5 km was in fact is my new Personal Best (23:41). I started to get tired by KM6 and slowed down well inside the 5km/min pace. I was so fatigued from the long run I did yesterday plus I have not had any breakfast yet (read excuses excuses). My energy level was so low that if I was an Ultraman, the indicator light on my chest would started to blink in red. It was a hot and windy too. I really wanted to stop and taking walk breaks but I prevailed. It would be embarrasing for the Captain of PSY! to walk on a 10km race. I pushed the last KM with whatever strength I have left. The distance on my Garmin showed 9.75km as I passed the finished line, I thought it would be a waste of my effort if I cannot keep the time in my record as it is not quite 10km, so I continued until my Garmin read 10KM. My extra effort was paid off. It was my new PB for 10KM with a time of 48:56.

Hani had stomach cramp and it was too painful for her to run. But she still finished the 5km race albeit walking in 44:32. I was so proud of her 'never give up' spirit. That's what running is about. Its not all about winning, but about giving out your best shot. Loly had a great run by finishing 10th in the 5km Women Open category and Nani did equally good by finishing 2 rungs below. It was a great outing for DBRC as well, as we had 5 or 6 runners finishing in the top 3 in all categories.

On a personal note; I think 10km is my least favourite event. It is too long for a sprint and too short for a relax comfortable run. All in all it was a nice small race. Well organised and the best part was the post race breakfast.

On your mark, get set, go (Picture courtesy of AKC)
I continued running for another 250m after the finish line to complete the 10KM distance (Picture courtesy of AKC) 
Some of the DBRC Runners (Picture courtesy of AKC)
PSY Runners at Al-Khor Community Mini Marathon 2013 (Picture courtesy of Loly)

Race Statistics:

Nett Time: 47:53 (9.75km)
Rank Total: 21/61 Finisher
Rank Male: 18/46 Finisher
Rank Category: 10/28 Finisher


Matjoe said…
timing bro mmg power. tgk crowd pun macam best. baru2 ni aku lari brook, mmg mcm semut ramai dia, congest.
El-Zaffril said…
Virtual Coach (VC) pergh... timing anda memang cun... Event ni mmg tak ramai ke? 61org je?

TQ bro.. mmg best lari event kecik2 ni, good for PB haha.. Brooks mmg crowded , pastu pengguna jalan raya lain mmg tak reti bahasa n tak ada sivik.

TQ bro, ni mmg event kecik2 je.. yg ramai masuk 5km n 3km

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