Paris Marathon: Tapering

I am now in a tapering period of my training with 17 days left to my biggest race yet. I will only have another 2 shortish long runs, a 21km this Friday and a 16km next week on top of 1 more tempo run and an interval session. I don't know, I think I do not have enough miles logged leading up to this race and feel that my endurance level has drop considerably. But the good things is, my knees seems to be a lot better since I changed my running style to 'Short Stride-High Cadence-Mid Foot Strike'. I did not have the same excruciating pain when I did 30km run last week. Just a little sore, but its was gone in a couple of days. And I am getting faster and stronger. So I am quietly confident that I will do well in Paris, Insha Allah.

I will try not to think about it too much and focussing on the holiday more than the race itself. For the first time my family will be there cheering me up by the road sides. My wife and all my of 3 children will be there including my good friend Razak and my sister in law Hidayah.

Paris, je suis tout excité!!


Anonymous said…
Salam, All the best in Paris and hope the weather will be kind to you and esp. to all your cheering squads by the road side - Rizal (here tumpang excited!)
Huhu.. I hope the weather will be better too.. kesian kang anak2 I gigil2 tunggu tepi jalan

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