T - 5 Days to RAK Half Marathon 2015 : Pre-Race Meal Plan

I did my last interval training for RAK last evening. It was a 4 x 800 at a sustainable pace of 4:20/km. Running with me last night was my coach Sarah Whittington and my friend Nawar from Saudi who happened to be in town to watch the ongoing Tour of Qatar cycling race. By the way Nawar just ran his debut marathon two days ago where he came 2nd overall in Bahrain Half Marathon. That was pure talent.

The session was good and I was glad that Sarah and Nawar were there to keep me at the target pace. With the training concluded for RAK, I will now take it easier and taper properly before RAK this Friday.

Happy faces at the end of the Interval session

Knowing how much I tend to over eat, Sarah was quick to write me a pre race meal plan this morning.

Good training last night. You have the speed - you just need to tap into it on race day. 

Right, you need to limit your carbs tomorrow. Run your 3km pretty hard and then 'no carbs' - well very few carbs until lunchtime on Wed. It's impossible to go carb free. On Wed you can have a high carb meal at lunch and pm if you need it. Eat normally on Thurs (a balanced diet, not carb heavy). This should ensure your muscles take on plenty of glycogen but you don't gorge and end up with a heavy belly. 

As you will feel hungry  on Thurs - this is psychological rather than actual need for food - try to eat 6 small meals - maybe having your last meal as late as 8pm. This should make a massive difference to how you feel on race day. A half marathon is simple now for your endurance levels so you don't need to over carb. Your gels should give you more of a lift during the race too. 

Cheers, Sarah


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