Jakarta & Bandung with POK FC

I was in Bandung and Jakarta from 1-8th June 2008 with friends from POK FC. This is POK FC's first international trip. We were all very excited especially Ikhwan. The flight from KKIA touched down at Soekarno Hatta just after midnight. From there, we were escorted to Bandung by two chauffers that Syikin had booked earlier from KK. We arrived at Anggerek Golden Hotel at about 4 am. To our surprise, they dont accept credit card. We were troubled by this news, especially me, being the poorest, cash strapped member of the trip.

Im sharing a room with Wafi. We actually suits each other. According to him, I am a reader while he is a watcher (Wafi's answer to Fariza on why we dont bond). We were so buggered. We dont even care to take showers before retired. It must be sometime around dawn when I heard Wafi shouting in a language that I cant intepret. I woke up and called his name. He was talking in his sleep. I went back to bed and this time, Its my turn to be hauted by a nightmare. I killed Da'a in my dream. How shocking is that? We were talking about it in the morning (or rather late morning) when we wake up. To our conclusion, it must have been because we did not wash our feets before went bed.

We spent 4 days in Bandung with shopping at the many factory outlets and some sightseeing to Mt Tangkuban Perahu and Ciater Hot springs. But our favourite activity was EAT. We had probably the best Nasi Padang at Restoran Sari Ratu and Sundanese food at D'Palm Restaurant while in Bandung. Not forgetting Burger Bakar, Bakso and Jco Donuts. Our worst meal hands down was the one we had at a Solo Restaurant. The image of the chicken head still lingers in my head sometime.

Ikhwan and Kent really get along very well together. They shared a common interest, Chicks Hunting that is. Surprisingly they were good at it. Some girls even thought they were some Malaysian artists. Well I understand their excitement, I too had that kind of experience before... suddenly I remember someone once said 'Dont bother about Sharm, he doesnt care about the trail of broken hearts he left behind'. They were carried away with all the attention they got and at our last night in Bandung where we set to go out, they left us waiting in our rooms until we fell asleep.

I got along well with Fedelia, we considered ourselves travellers. Well it just because we dont bring that much money to shop and called ourselves tourists. Fedelia has her own cash management style, she will only spen 1 Million Rupiah a day for shopping, food, travel etc. and she even have balance at the end of the day. Among all us, Kent and Ikhwan were the Kings of shopping. They even worse than the girls. Well im not really into shopping so I just played a fire watcher role.. and to answer Fariza everytime she asks 'Where's Wafi?

Thursday 5/6/2008

From Bandung, Syikin, Fariza, Ikhwan, Wafi and myself took Argo Gede train to Jakarta while Fedelia, Shirley and Kent went to Jogja. In Jakarta, we stayed at Le Margot Hotel on Jalan Jaksa. We love Jalan Jaksa, It has the highest concentration of backpackers in Jakarta. There are many bars, internet cafes, restaurants and convenience stores plus it is centrally located. After having lunch at a Nasi Padang Restaurant (but it was too hot to our liking) we went to Dunia fantasy Ancol. There was a drama when Ikhwan left his bag in the cab. We we dead worry. His passport was in the bag. Luckily there was a security personnel on a motorcycle willing to go looking for the cab with Wafi as a pillion rider (without a helmet on). Wafi came back victoriously with the bag. I cant forget the look at Ikhwan's face. How relieved he was. Well too much drama today, Kent was also miss placed his passport earlier today.

I found a new buddy at Dufan, Fariza. We were the only two rode the Halilintar Roller Coaster while the other nursing their nausea from the earlier flying horses ride. They were actually scared. From Dufan we went to Ancol Festival Beach to see the Police Academy Stunt show. It was a good show, but I reckon the one I saw at MovieWorld was better. We had dinner at an elegant Batavia Cafe at Old Batavia and conclude our day at a bar accross the street from our hotel where we did our own thing dancing while other patrons were just chilling drinking. We called it a night when suddenly we noticed ....Where's Wafi??

Friday 6/6/2008

Jakarta is one big place where all the glitters, glamorous looking people, swanky malls, run down slums and real people concoct together. Amid all the congestion and pollution, this is where you can see so many LV stores and Krispy Kreme outlets in one city. I am not talking about Jco here. People going out with personal shoppers and nurses here. We went mall hopping from the Thamrin area to Senayan. The malls here are huge. Each with a size of Mid Valley Mega Mall. We we tired. We have been walking all day since morning. From Tugu Monas to Thamrin, then continues from mall to mall. Syikin said she can literally feel that her body fall apart with each step she takes and left with only her head rolling when we finally arrived at Senayan City. We had the best foot massage at Senayan City. Our tired bodies rejuvenated and ready for a night out.

Kent, Shirley and Fedelia already at the hotel when we back. With two separate cabs we went clubbing at X2. It was awesome. I was 24 again that night. Dance all night until its time to go. The DJ was hailed direct from Australia.

Saturday / Sunday 7-8/June 2008

We make friend with Angie in our 2 final days in Jakarta. Angie is a friend of Kent. She was soo sweet. She went all the hussle to take us around to Taman Mini, Menteng, souvenir hunting and showing the hip places in Jakarta. We really hope to see her again.

Pictures of the trip can be accessed here


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