
As usual, my birthday was as uneventful as ever. No feast no party. But this year I did some effort to at least do something to commemorate it. Being new to this town, with not many friends I did not plan for anything grand. With Asfaezi, I went to Sealine Beach Resort and stayed overnight. The plan was to laze around the beach, ride some jet skis then racing the dunes on quad bikes before heading to Inland Sea and a camel ride the next day. But too bad it was raining and way too cold for any beach activities. So we ended up did riding the quad bike, petting some camels stayed one night and went home the next morning.

Kembara di tanah gersang

I honestly do not feel 32 and not qualified to be called one. At 32 most people are already married and have 2-3 kids. At 32 one should already have a steady career backed by fat savings in their bank accounts. I, on the other hand have none of that. But praise to ALLAH, I am enjoying my life and thankful for everything HE blessed me with. I just started a good job, better than good actually, in a land I never imagined I would set foot in. Have a beautiful fiancee and will soon join the rank of married man of my age. Born in a loving family, surrounded by caring friends and most importantly a good health.

My biggest dream now or shall say responsibility is to make my mom happy. Shower her with the luxuriant she never has. Provide her with all her needs so she does not need to work ever again. She has been working her entire life. At 65 she should just stay at home and enjoying life. I also hope to share fruit of my labour with the rest of my siblings who had sacrificed a lot for me. So I pray to ALLAH to give me chance to do that.. Amin.

Aksi mat rempit
P/S I also would like to take this oppurtunity to thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.
More pics at Sealine Beach Resort Here


aqbary said…
Fun la tengok cara rempitan kau... stylo lah
whitelighter said…
aqbary.. hahaha real ek

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