
It's really happening. In two weeks I will say good bye to my bachelorhood. Off course I am a little nervous, but I guess I am ready. All the preparation are well underway. Thanks a lot to my family and my dedicated wedding planner, Sam and his team. I hope everything will go according to plan.

Tomorrow will be my last day at work, before going off for 3 weeks leave. I am so looking forward to get away from work for a while. I will make a detour to London and Manchester for 4 days before heading home. A little break with some of my good friends from Shell, Da'a, Zaitun and Christy. It will be fun, since I do not know when will I get the chance to go on holidays with them again.

After the wedding, I will take my beautiful wife for a little honeymoon in London, Brussels and Paris before heading back to Doha.

I am so excited about coming home and to become someone new. But now, I better start packing...


Aled said…
congrat...selamat menempuh alam baru.jgn lupe kawan2 yg still single mingle ok..bila la dapat jumpa ekk...
zal said…
Selamat Pengantin Baru... All the best... enjoy the holiday... enjoy the honeymoon... see u back in Doha in 3 weeks time...

aku doakan semua berjalan dgn lancar... :-)

p/s - perhaps, u back in doha even before aku sempat balik doha...
zafi said…
Sail away on new "life" successfully!
puteri said…
my dearest...

i am so proud of you to finally decided to take this biggest journey in your life.

my best wishes for you, your future and our friendships. single or married, you can always count on me.

friendship remains and can never end. you are a friend. and i am proud to have you as mine.

your classmate, schoolmate, housemate... not forgetting your contender so WE keep on fighting to survive and materialise our dreams.
Sharifah Amirah said…
hehe.selamat pengantin baru! :)
seronok nye jalan2.
keri said…
Selamat pengantin baru en avance!
mohd_hanapi said…
lah dah nak kawin ker? welcome to the group....
Rush Murad said…
My best wishes and doa goes to you and ur future wife... may Allah blessed you and ur new family always... maaf tak dapat hadir ke majlis tu nanti...
whitelighter said…
All: Thanks for the wishes and support.. still cant believe this is happening
Nikli said…
Selamat Pengantin Baru
Semoga berbahagia sepanjang hayat, InsyaAllah..
ayin1911 said…
Selamat Pengantin Baru..
Nanti balik Doha, kitorang nk serbu makan umah u plakk..
yelahh..nk test ur wife masak plak..ngeee...
WanHidayat said…

Semalam rasanya sy ada telefon untuk ucapan Tahniah buat abg. Yup...Tahniah sekali lagi. Maaf kerana tidak dapat hadirkan diri ke JB. I know you always surrounded with lovely friends brother...

I am just proud of you...really proud. Wan doakan semoga ikatan yang tercipta dari lafaz ijab dan kabul itu akan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. InsyaAllah...

Semoga dapat menjadi seorang suami yang baik dan ayah yang penyayang....

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