Sah ... Majlis Nikah dan berinai

I did not get to sleep last night. My mind was active thinking of what my future is going to be like. Tired of tossing and turning, I got out bed and joined Along and Om watching Champions League Final on tele. I went to bed again after the game, and only managed to get some two hours of uninterrupted sleep.

At 8.30am, my entourage was ready with all the ‘hantaran’ (Gifts for the bride) and we arrived at my now parents in law’s house just before 9.00 am. I tried to hide my apprehension. I believe all my trainings and participations in debates and acting were paid off. I managed to put on a game face and acted cool even though my hands were actually trembling and my heart was pounding as fast as a steam engine on a locomotive.

I took my place on a specially made mattress for the groom opposite the Kadi. The rather long ceremony started off with a sermon and recitals of all sort of vows etc2. I was still maintaining my composure and did not really pay attention to what was going on around me. But everything went blank the moment when the Kadi hold my hand (in hand shake position) for ‘Akad’ and started to utter the Ijab, (he suddenly changed the pitch of his voice from mellow to somewhat hard). It was like I was transported into another dimension where there were only me and the Kadi. The murmur that was previously filled the space went quiet. Without thinking, I made the Lafaz Qabul as soon as the Kadi gave the signal. Words just came out from my mouth loud and clear in a single breath. Without hesitation, he said ‘Sah’ to the witnesses and recited a prayer. I was so relieved. It was like a burden being lifted off my shoulders.

After the ‘Akad’, it was time for the ‘Batal Air Sembahyang’ ceremony, where I presented my wife with the dowry, gift and exchanged rings (But in my case I put on a necklace on her neck instead). When it all done, I supposed to perform a ‘Solat Sunat Syukur’ (prayer) but I rushed outside and had a cigarette. What a relief.

After meal, we changed into a green Songket for Majlis Berinai. In this ceremony, the bride and groom were blessed by the elders from the both side of families.

I still cannot belief that I am now a married man. But I am thankful to ALLAH that made it all easy for me to perform his call. To my beautiful wife... I'll do my best to make you happy.


puteri said…
sweet! i wished i was there friend... hope you'll be there on mine :)

wishing u the very best life has to offer and be strong of whatever challenges coming your ways...

u shld be proud of yourself! coz i am... we all are :)
scrlett said…
congratulations..... do your best to be a good friend n not only husband...
gook luck! congrate again!!!
whitelighter said…
Puteri: Thanks.. sure i will be at your wedding. Yes i am proud with myself to have the courage to look for a New Cheese

Scrlett: that was sweet.. i will heed to your advice
Kembara Musafir said…
mabrook...!! not too late to wish you "selamat pengantin baru", I hope... Semoga dicucuri rahmat senantiasa...!

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