Aquathon 2013/2014 Race 5

Aquathon 22 March 2014

I have no intention to do any Aquathon races this year because it will disrupt my marathon training. But I changed my mind at the last minute and signed up in the last race of the series. I want to see if I have made any improvement in swimming in a year. Not that I have been swimming a lot, but I have been swimming once a week on Saturdays with at Al-Jazeera Academy.

The 500 m swim was still hard but was not as hard as it was the last time I did it. I managed to breathe on both sides after every three strokes for …… wait for it … 100m, before reverted back to my usual pathetic breath on the left only at every 2 strokes with short pull. I tried to relax and focus on the technique, high elbow – reach – pull; one arm always at the front; kick etc etc. but I was too tired to think about all the sequence. 

As usual I was so spent after the swim and the 5 km run was as hard. I just focus on cadence and maintaining the same effort. The run was made harder when we had to run against the strong wind. At some point I was struggling to keep running on straight line as the strong cross wind kept blowing me off the course. A kg lighter, I could've easily been a flying object.   

Here is how it went:

Swim : 13:14 (Rank 108/139)
T1:   0:36 (Rank 45/139)
Run :   23:35 (Rank 36/139)
Total :   37:26
Rank: 59/139

It was my new personal best in Aquathon. My previous PB was 38:12. But I still have a lot to work on if I want to become a decent triathlete. The result shows that I did not improved on my swim, but I have improved in my run and transition. All right suitable to my 2014 resolution; I will turn my weaknesses into strengths. I will work on my technique and try to force my self to fall in love in swimming.  


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