GMC TriSeries Race 4

5 April 2014

Alhamdullilah, I got my first podium finish in a solo triathlon event in the last GMC Triseries race. I only competed in the Super Sprint race (400m Swim, 10km Bike, 3.3km run) because I was not ready to swim anything longer than 500m in a race yet, and I was really tired from the 5km Night Run race on Thursday night and the 25km long run yesterday. I also made a right decision strategically as most of the established triathletes in Doha were competing in the Sprint distance. Happy Days. 

I thought my swim was good, at least I wasn't so spent when I dragged myself out of the pool into T1. The bike section was great. I felt comfortable with my bike and just hammered it through the rugged surface of the technically challenging bike course. Apart from running which is still my strongest, I have improved considerably on the bike too as I managed to pass many people who overtook me during the swim. Right then I knew that I would made it to the podium. It was also good to see my wife and kids at the transition area as I went into T2. Off to the run, I felt very tired and cant seem to push myself harder. I  was so relieved that this will over soon so I just maintain the effort until the finish line.

My time overall timing was 49:54, which placed me second. Only 9 seconds behind the gold medallist, but I take it. It was then I realised that this could be my sport. I only need to work extra hard on my swim and spend more time on the saddle. The run will take care of itself.

Race Statistics:
Rank: 2
Swim: 10:00 (Ranked 8/28)
T1: 00:46
Bike: 22:53 (Rank 2/28)
T2: 00:46
Run: 15:27 (Rank 2/28)
Total: 49:54


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