Tokyo Marathon 2014 Lottery Registration

I was too scared to miss it, i slept with my phone and submitted my entry when the reminder woke me up just as the registration open.

Sure Can One Lah


Anonymous said…
registered too, but dapat cuti ke tak, ntah lah.
Bro, cuti tu secondary.. first thing is to get in and win the slot.
Blair Waldorf said…
Hi salam. i will be running boston marathon in 2014 :) and i ran in 2013 boston too. All d best :) anyway nak promote my website because kitorang ada guaranteed entry package to tokyo marathon - this will b my training for boston nx year bec weather is similar. Its only rm2800 for the guaranteed entry plus accommodation 4d/3nights walking distance to the start point and transport from end point back to hotel. or We r the only malaysian tour agent to get the authorised tour agent status from the marathon :)

Hi Oyin

Thanks for the info. Will definitely check it out. Hey you ran in 2013? Wow which one are you? I was tracking all the Malaysian in the event. Congratulations on your requalification.
Blair Waldorf said…
I was the only female runner :) i didnt finish though bec was 5km away when the bomb exploded. Had to stop. So BAA invited to run again in 2014. Im joining both tokyo and boston next year. Hope to c u there. Ps - if u x dpt the lottery for tokyo sign up at my website ya ;) rm2,800 je for guaranteed entry, 4d/3n hotel in shinjuku nx to race start, shuttle from end bck to hotel ;) btw ive also ran berlin. Its a v flat route and can b v bosan! B mentally prepared to tackle boredom.

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