I am a Master Degree holder and I can brag about it.. at last

I finally received my masters certificate and transcript after almost 6 years. I enrolled in this programme on 9 July 2006 at UTM KL and was only conferred the degree on 6 July 2011. What was supposed to be a 2 year programme was delayed following my relocation from Kuala Lumpur to Lumut, Miri and then to Qatar. The total costs escalated from RM 20k to more than RM 50K. Imagine I had to drive 4 hours from Lumut, fly 2 hours from Miri then 8 hours from Doha to attend classes, seminars and presentations in Kuala Lumpur. It was hard to focus and excel on the studies when you live thousand miles from school. Your chance of success is very slim, much like when you are in a long distance relationship. Call it third time lucky,  I failed my final year thesis twice before I got lucky just to pass the third time. Sometimes I was thinking, was it even worth it? I had contemplated to quit not once, but 6 times. I exhaled the longest sigh of relief when my thesis was finally accepted during the thesis viva voce last year. Finally all the sufferings end, I thought. But I was wrong. The university's red tapes was another obstacles. I was not able to attend the convocation ceremony, and receive the scroll from the Sultanah of Johore as much as I wanted to because Hani was just delivered our daughter, Cinta Amani and I cannot leave my family for that. I requested to defer the ceremony to this year, but apparently they said that nothing could be done. I thought, what a Bull#$^* fine, then I requested for the certificate to be emailed to me, but they said No. The degree was being held by the university after their record shows that I still have some outstanding fees unpaid. This is ridiculous. I paid my last fee in person at the Bursary office at UTM Skudai before I was allowed to register for my final year thesis. But I did not send a copy of the receipt to the School of Graduate Studies and lost it. Well why would I? Isn't every systems at the university supposed to be streamlined and integrated? But too bad,  apparently the Bursary and Graduate Studies systems were not linked. I cannot believe this. After almost a year fighting for my rights, I gave up and just paid whatever amount they said I was owing (They gave me a different figure every time I checked). Never mind I am just glad that its over. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my lecturers especially Dr. Maizon and Dr. Kherun Nita, my classmates, friends especially Dr Asrul Nasid and family especially my wife Hani.


puteri said…
congrats dear! the few last sentences tu macam ucapan grammy awards gitu :)

aku pulak cam ala ala nak putus harap ...
whitelighter said…
Thanks cik, kau banyak bagi motivation kat aku. Aku oun doakan kau berjaya menamatkan PHD kau tu.. Kau jangan mengada2 nak give up.. kesian mak ayah kau.. kau belajar bukan bawah tajaan kerajaan UMNO.. tapi hasil titik peluh mak ayah kau.. so think how would they feel if you quit. BTW kau kan smart.. aku percaya kau boleh.. cuma banyakkan bersabar dan berdoa selain berusaha..InsyaALLAH

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