Road To ING New York City Marathon 2012 - Pilot Episode

New York City placed at the very top of my "Must Go" places. I have been planning to visit the Big Apple since 2006. The plan has been postponed and scraped many times. Now that I am started running, I have set a dream to run in the ING New York City Marathon one day.  I have set that dream on 29 June 2011, the day when I decided to buy myself a pair of running shoe. I also stated my intention in my blog 'Aku Nak Lari Marathon'.

But why New York City Marathon?

I don't know the exact answer to that question. Maybe the fact that INYC Marathon is the world's largest marathon. It is also one of the World Marathon Majors which a total novice like me can enter. I first heard about it back in November 2008, on a shuttle bus from work site to Ras Gas canteen when I heard someone behind my seat, who has just came back from INYC Marathon proudly sharing his experience with his mates. I was eavesdropping. He was saying that the event was like one big party where hundred of thousands if not millions of spectators showing their support to the runners by lining up the streets singing, dancing and chanting. He said you don't need to be a runner to participate. There are many walkers joining the event just to experience being in one of the greatest marathon races and enjoy the sights of New York on foot. I was listening in awed.

One thing though, it is not easy to get in. The organiser receives about 100,000 applications annually for a maximum quota of 47,000 runners. You can enter either by meeting its qualifying time of 2:55:00 (men 18-39 yrs) or running for charity bodies or entering a ballot for the remaining places. The odds to get selected from the ballot is slim. Some people tried it three years in a row before guaranteed a place the fourth time. But I must be very lucky. I submitted my application on 23 April 2012, two days before the closing date on 25 April 2012 and did not expect anything. I even decided to register for Penang Bridge International Marathon 2012 when the on line registration opens on 28 April 2012.

I was jumping up and down when I received an email from the organiser on Friday 27 April 2012. I don't know if the feeling is comparable to winning a lottery, but it was surreal. I was just talking about it with my running mentor Tee Morgan during our Friday run in the morning earlier. Tee just came back from running the London Marathon and planning to run in New York next year. I was trembling and could not believe the fact that I will be running my first* marathon in New York. In the world's largest marathon.  Alhamdullilah.

With 189 days to go I believe I will be ready to conquer the streets of New York below 4:30:00. If Oprah can finish her first and only marathon sub 4:30 hrs SO CAN I.

* This is technically my second, I ran my first marathon in 1994 but finished outside cut off time. No medal and certificate to prove.


Anonymous said…

Wish you well in training and the race.
Kak Sara said…
I am so proud of you. Your determination has proven result!!! You go bro. And perhaps abang long may just give me a ticket to NYC for birthday present kott!!!!
whitelighter said…
Anonymous: Thanks

Kak Sara: Wow lets go NYC.. tell abg long you deserved a ticket and spending money to NY for being a great wife
Anonymous said…
Congrates too! Your the only other person from Malaysia that i know of who got in! See u there! Are u runnjng the KL Maraton this year? Its a good practice marathon! Cheers Chris!
whitelighter said…
Hi Chris,

Thanks.. I am not doing the SCKL Marathon but doing the Gold Coast instead (Half) as it fits with my training schedule. Hey lets keep in touch. My email is

Anonymous said…
Hello. Congrats on your entry thru the ballot. FYI, i am.from Malaysia too and was picked to NY Marathon 2012. Non friends got it. Hope we fly the Malaysian Flag at NY come this Nov. Cheers.

whitelighter said…
Hi Teo

CONGRATULATIONS!! Good to hear I wasn't alone in NYC. Hey lets keep in touch

Anonymous said…
Hi Syafei, u wont be alone in NYC. I hav a fren fr HK too got thru. Hows your training? Saw ur latest sub 6m/km is very good. I m working on tat too for my HM in HK next yr. For now just trying to do a 4.15 at NYC which i think is quite tough for me. You hav a FB account? U can add me at Teo Chen Lung. Cheers
whitelighter said…
Teo, I cant find u. Pls add me

whitelighter said…
Teo, I cant find u. Pls add me


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