Mothers Day Series - Prelude : Your child your responsibility

I purposely did not post this blog entry on mothers day because I do not want some people to preach that it is haram for muslims to celebrate Mothers Day and that we must show respect and appreciate our mothers every day. Well I do love and appreciate my mom every day, and my respect for mothers grew even stronger now as I see how loving my wife is with our son Zachary. Islam says 'Syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu' which if translated literally means 'Heaven is under the feet of your mother'. That is how high mothers are in Islam. 

Recently a friend of Hani's had to send her daughter back to Malaysia. The barely 3 months old baby will be looked after by her grand parents. Offcourse as new parents it is not easy. Babies demand alot if not all of your attention. But then again babies are not toys, they do not come with remote controls and definitely not battery powered. They must have their own reasons and maybe have running out of options to keep and raise the baby themselves here in Doha. I know it must be a hard decision for them to make. Both of them works at a same place and their job demands crazy hours of commitments. I can understand that, but what I do not understand is, why do you have to come here, 4000 mile away from home to suffer? If the job is sucks and does not offer a balance work and family life, then by all means leave. I can relate with this situation because I myself was raised by my grand parents. But my mom has no option. She was a single mother and and has another 4 older kids (4,5,7 and 9 years old) to look after. She cannot possibly be able to look after her cute and adorable 2 years old baby (that is me) while jugling with work and taking care of her kids alone. But in Hani's friend's case, they have each other and the baby was their first born. Your child is your responsibility. Some people would do anything to have one.   

In this series, I would like to pay tribute to my mother by sharing some of her stories. To me, she is truly an Ibu Mithali. She has been through a lot and persevere all kind of hardship just to make sure that at the end of the day all her kids are fed and they have roof under their heads. She did all this because her love for her children was greater than everything else in this world.


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