Road to Munich 2013: 62 days to go - Tempo

I had a much better run this morning. My pace in Zone 1 HR, though I was not supposed to concern about it has improved a lot from 6:40 ish min/km to about 6:10ish. My HR however was greatly affected by the sun. It shot up every time I was running in sunlight. Like a vampire, I had to stay away from the sun as much as possible by running in the shades of the towers around Porto Arabia.

The programme was to run 8 km, starting with 3 km in Zone 1 HR (152 bpm), 1 km Zone 2 (163 bpm), 1 km Zone 3 (175 bpm), 1 km Zone 2, 2km Zone 1. I found running in Zone 3 was the easiest. My HR was actually lower than 175 when I ran at around 5:10 min/km. Zone 2 was somewhat more difficult as I had to adjust my HR and brought it down from Zone 3. I ran the session very conservatively and ended up with a very low average HR at just 153 bpm. Im not sure if this was a good thing, but I think it is. See what my coach say about it.

Another good news was, my knees felt great even after the HIIT circuit I did last night. I can feel that the training programme tailored by my coach is starting to show the result I wanted.

Garmin details here:

8km tempo Zon 1,2,3,2,1 by Syafei at Garmin Connect - Details

Sure Can One Lah


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