Road to Munich 2013: 65 days to go - 10km Zone 1 HR

Friday run back at the Cornice. I was excited to see my DBRC friends after a month of training or hibernating to be more appropriately during Ramadan. Too bad i was struggling at the in the bathroom after mammoth feasting yesterday and ended up at the Corniche zero marker 8 minutes late. I was supposed to run with Coach Sarah but I guess she would have thought I had too much Eid parties and decided for a lie in.

I took a short cut and managed to catch them at the Woqod Station, 5km into my run. I ran the remaining 5km with Coach Sarah. The weather horrible today, 35 deg Celsius with 70% humidity. Though it wasn't really killed me as I was running so slow, but it caused my heart rate to beat a lot faster. According to Coach Sarah, by up to 20bpm. So I had to run a lot slower with walk breaks to keep my HR in zone 1 or 152 bpm to be exact. After a week of HR training, I finally managed to let go of my infatuation with pace and speed. I did not even bother looking at pace and elapse time info on my Garmin. Just HR.

I may be the last one to finish my run today, but I had my ego and competitive spirit in checked. I am looking at it as taking a one step back for two steps forward.    

Garmin details here:

Untitled by Syafei at Garmin Connect - Details

Sure Can One Lah


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