Road to Munich 2013: 68 days to go - Fartlek

Second run session this week. I was still struggling in getting used to HR training. The plan was to run at zone 1 HR for 2-3 minutes plus fartlek up to 175 bpm for 20-30 sec. I was still unable to run a steady pace at the required HR i.e 152 bpm. It was either too low or too high with a slightest change of pace. I also need around 1 minute of walking to get my HR down to 152 after each fartlek, while it took around 30 sec to get to 175 bpm from 152. My HR monitor was less erratic this evening with only one anomaly spike recorded.

Again Strava did not get the pace of each split right.

The more accurate data from Garmin Connect can be retrieved from the following link:

8 km Zone 1 HR Fartlek by Syafei at Garmin Connect - Details

I will be having a short 'fun run' with my coach tomorrow. Perhaps she could asses if I have been doing it correctly. Till then.

Sure Can One Lah


hidupyanghidup said…
Salam Syafei,
I'm Dzul from Shah Alam. Proud of 2girls and coming soon (boy...InsyAllah in Oct).Inspired by your stories in this blog. I did also registered for Tokyo Marathon 2014. Although I've started running 3 years ago, I'm yet to achieve as what you did. I'm more into a HM & FM finisher (cukup2 makan meeting the cut off time, more like social/ tourist runner chit chatting with stranger runner, taking photos). But your stories has shift my paradigm. Now my objective has changed and I'm aiming to achieve sub 2 for HM and sub 5 for FM. My challenge now is to follow my training plan with my growing up kids and family commitment. Sometimes I have to skip training (or tak training langsung).


Salam Aidilfitri,
W'salam Dzul

Obviously running marathon for fun is still better than not running at all. But to me if you want to do something, do your best so you wont just wasting your time and you can pride yourself with the achievements you have made.

Dont aim for sub 5, come on even Oprah Winfrey did sub 4:30. If you follow a training plan properly, there's no way you cant do that, barring any injuries * touch wood.

I have 3 kids all under 3 years.. i usually train late at night or very early when they are still in bed. All that challenges will strengthen you mentally and physically.

Good Luck


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